Studying in the United States is an exciting opportunity, but it can be quite costly to your wallet. Education is the most expensive aspect of studying in the United States. Not only are there tuition fees to consider, but there are also living costs such as housing, food, and basic necessities. Fortunately, we have some tips on how you can save money while studying in the US.

Consider a community college

The biggest expense while studying in the U.S. is tuition for your education. Attending a community college and then transferring to a university could save you thousands . Tuition at community colleges can range from $1,500 to $4,000 per year, while a four-year college or university can cost anywhere from $9,000 to $47,000 or more per year, depending on whether it is a public or private school. Regardless, community colleges are significantly less expensive and are an excellent way to save money. You can complete your prerequisites and pre-major coursework at a community college and then transfer to a four-year college or university to complete your degree. For example, many students will attend Seattle Central College for two years and then transfer to the University of Washington, where they will complete their degree and therefore save approximately $4000 to $7000 per year.

Avoid eating out frequently

It may be tempting to want to socialize with friends by eating out regularly, but eating out can be quite expensive, especially if you eat out frequently. Save money by using meal plans from your school cafeteria or cooking at home. Buying groceries and cooking your own meals is less expensive than eating out and allows you to have more control over eating healthier meals. Plus, by buying your own groceries, you can use coupons and buy sale items to save more money.

Get a mobile family plan

It is important to have a cell phone, or more commonly called a cell phone in the U.S., while completing your studies in the United States. Telecommunications are very expensive in the United States compared to many other countries. While it may seem convenient to get an individual cell phone plan, it probably won't save money. Many companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon offer discounts on family/group plans. By having a family/group plan, you reduce the burden of buying a phone and data plan for a single person. Talk to a few friends or family members about considering a family/group plan to save money on your cell phone bill.

Buy used or like-new items

Every year, students graduate from school and move out of their apartments or dorms. This usually happens in the weeks leading up to the start of school and a couple of weeks before classes end. This is a great opportunity to save money by buying used items from alumni, or better yet, getting free items you need. You can save money on kitchen appliances, furniture, textbooks and more. Many students use online networks, such as Facebook, to let other students know when they are selling or giving away free stuff. Use the network of all the students who are going through the same experience as you and you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for.
