Countries that will pay you to study in their territories

Do you know the countries that will pay you to study in their territories? Are you interested in studying an undergraduate, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree or simply going a few months away from your country of origin?

Well, there are countries that are willing to give you a monthly allowance to live well and pay for your studies. In addition, some of them may even cover your airfare. More women study, because they are the ones who apply the most.

Now, we present the most popular countries for their benefits to people who study in their territories. These are countries that want to invest in students who want to study in their territories; and the best thing: they do not demand that they return this money to the governments. On the contrary, they expect them to be knowledge multipliers and leaders in their fields.

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Online specializations in Spanish. Enter this link and select the specialization that best fits your profile or what you are looking for to improve your profile: Specializations in Spanish and with certificates from the best universities. No experience required


Australia's Group of Eight is a Board consisting of the Chancellors (Presidents) of the country's eight universities, which meets five times a year. In recognition of the excellence of teaching and research that exists in the Group of Eight universities, the members are committed to improving student mobility between universities by facilitating the transfer of credits earned at their institutions. Scholarships in Australia at the top 8 universities

IDP, Education Open your world, is a platform that gathers information from more than 20 universities in Australia, this is a safe, affordable study destination with highly prestigious educational institutions. It has a strong economy and 30 universities ranked in the Higher Education World Ranking. Scholarships in Australia for foreigners


The CAPES Foundation of the Brazilian Ministry of Education is a portal that compiles open educational information: masters, doctoral, undergraduate and more. Brazilian Government Scholarships

United States

EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of more than 400 international student advising centers in over 170 countries. Scholarships to study in the United States


DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world's largest organization promoting the international exchange of students and scholars. Since its founding in 1925, the DAAD has supported almost 1.5 million scholars in Germany and abroad.

DAAD German government scholarships


Denmark is a kingdom of thriving cities and idyllic landscapes; an innovative society with a green lifestyle. It is located in Northern Europe and is part of Scandinavia. Denmark consists of the Jutland peninsula, the larger islands of Zealand, Fynland, and Lolland-Falster, and 429 other named islands between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, of which 72 are inhabited. Danish government scholarships


These scholarships are distributed in the best Spanish universities, 50 public and 32 private is the offer you will find in this search engine. In addition to this there are more than 20 areas of study in which you can apply for a scholarship. Scholarships at Spanish Universities

Find out how to apply and above all how to win scholarships from the Carolina Foundation:


Studying in France is synonymous with excellence. French higher education is widely recognized throughout the world. Whether in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), the Financial Times rankings or the European Commission's European Report on Science & Technologies, you will always find French institutions in the top tier. Scholarships in France Campus France


The Irish government invests more than 782 million euros annually in research in higher education institutions. The impact of these funds is that Ireland's higher education institutions are currently occupying top positions in a growing number of different fields. Irish government scholarships for foreigners


The ideal country for people who wish to study Water, development, social studies, economics. NUFFIC, a government agency is in charge of channeling these scholarships. We leave you this link with multiple scholarship options. Check the Scholarships for undergraduate or postgraduate in the Netherlands for international students. You can also consult them depending on your nationality. Here we tell you how: Scholarships in the Netherlands - check available scholarships by nationality.

Online courses and certificates from different Universities:

Coursera courses are totally free but you can request and buy certificates that prove the completion of the course. If you are going to take an online course and you cannot afford the cost of it, do not worry, go ahead and apply for the SCHOLARSHIPS provided by this digital platform:

University careers or online degrees with the best universities in the World. Check the complete list here: Complete list of careers or degrees

You can also apply for help to obtain professional certificates: check the list of the best certificates you can obtain online: Professional Certificates.

You will also find a list of master's degrees, certificates and online courses with free content associated with public health, emergencies and disasters. See the list here: Courses public health and other areas of development To apply and obtain this financial aid you must take into account the following steps:

1.- Describe your financial situation

2.- Explain how you are going to pay the cost of the course certificate

3.- Explain your motivations for taking the course

4.- Demonstrate compliance with Coursera's code of conduct.

Finally, an idea of how to finance part of your studies abroad using social networks. I hope you find it useful. Click here for your free class: different ways to finance your studies abroad.
