5 Best New Programming Languages to Learn in 2023

Based on the popularity of languages such as C++, Python or Java, a new generation of programming languages and architectures has emerged this year.

These new programming languages are intended to aid in speed optimization, provide easier learning curves and facilitate the scalability of future developments.

5 New Languages You Should Learn in 2023

Here are the 5 new programming languages you should learn in 2023!

1. Pony

Pony is a language that supports actor model and reference capabilities, unused element collection and type safety without data races.

A programmer with reference capabilities must identify data as modifiable, immutable or isolated. When two actors access mutable data at the same time, they may make conflicting modifications or the data may become corrupted, therefore, the compiler prevents the programmer from exchanging data between actors if it is modifiable.

The data is protected by reference capabilities and no locks are required to prevent concurrent data modifications. Lock-free concurrency improves performance.

Pony's limitations include an unstable API, shortage of high-quality third-party libraries, and lack of native tools.


Dart is a C-like language developed by Google that adds type safety along with a JavaScript-like syntax.

It is easy to convert to other languages, such as JavaScript, Java for Android, native machine code or a standalone Dart virtual machine and can also function as a back-end processor.

Event-driven user interface development is one of Dart's strengths. Changes made by developers are immediately visible thanks to the hot reload command.

A Dart team member cited the language's optional static types, lack of compile-time errors, and robust built-in editor as additional benefits.

3. PureScript

PureScript is a fully functional programming language that can be compiled into JavaScript. PureScript is most similar to Haskell and is ideal for use in creating online applications and server-side software.

Features similar to Haskell include the use of algebraic data types, pattern matching and type classes.

The types in PureScript are expressive and inferable, so the language needs fewer explicit annotations than many others. Its ability to communicate with other languages targeting JavaScript is one of its greatest assets.

4. F#

Open source and platform independent, F# is a combination of functional and general purpose programming languages. Many developers prefer F# because it is as easy to learn as Python while providing a smoother experience than C# and Java.

One possible reason for this is that the language does not require developers to worry about explicitly indicating the type of an object by using semicolons, brackets, and other symbols.

Therefore, working with F# simplifies performing tasks such as processing lists and implementing complicated type definitions.

Because it is a hybrid language, F# can work with many other types of systems, such as databases, Web pages, and .NET entities.

The programming language's robust type system allows designers to work with confidence, knowing that their work will be error-free, regardless of which parts are used.

F's popularity can be attributed to its ease of use and adaptability in a variety of contexts.

5. Crystal

Crystal is an object-oriented programming language that relies heavily on the short Ruby syntax, making it an excellent choice for Ruby programmers.

The static nature of the language also facilitates its ability to detect and prevent programming errors at an earlier stage. With this enhancement, teams won't have to worry about wasting time.

Crystal's built-in type inference eliminates the need for developers to constantly specify the programming language being used. Crystal's fiber technology allows developers to multitask and perform more simultaneous computations without exhausting system memory.
