Because of its wide range of academic programs and high quality institutions, studying in the United States is a dream for many people! And, so that you can fulfill it, we have gathered all the information you need to know to study in the U.S. and fulfill your professional goals with GrowPro.

It's no secret that the United States has a top-notch educational system that allows students to acquire solid knowledge in their professional career. At the same time, it offers opportunities to exchange knowledge with people from all over the world while perfecting your English.

Want to set a course for your adventure? Read this guide and find out what the requirements are, what types of courses to study in the United States are available and what steps you need to take to fulfill the American dream as a student. Buckle up and let's get started!

Reasons to study in the United States

The United States has several of the best universities in the world, which makes it a universal reference for academic training. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Here are more reasons why it is worth studying in the United States.

The United States has a first-class educational system

American faculties have a prestigious teaching level in which most of the professors are not only specialized in their area. They also hold high positions in business, industry or even politics.

On the other hand, U.S. universities have ample resources to develop the talents of all their students. In addition, they have an unlimited offer of cultural, political, sports and social extracurricular activities in most of their campuses.

You can master English in a 100% immersive environment.

Statista, one of the leading providers of market data, states that English in 2021 is the most used language worldwide with more than 1130 million speakers. Of these, 379 million are native speakers while the rest have learned it as a second language.

Now, studying in the United States guarantees you not only to improve your English level. It also increases your chances of finding a good job that will allow you to travel, learn about other cultures and enjoy all the wonders of the world without language being a barrier.

A college experience like no other

College life in the United States is a unique experience, as you can enjoy fraternity life, cultural events, parties, and academic and entertainment events. Here, you live a movie-like adventure!

Also, the experiences you share with other students from different countries serve to open your thinking. This can help you develop an unparalleled sense of collaboration that is invaluable to future employers.

Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity and internationalization are two of the great benefits of studying in the United States. You live with people from all over the world while you get to know places and make friends that will mark a before and after in your life.

In addition, thanks to this experience, you can learn about other cultures and adapt to new ways of seeing the world with ease, confidence and independence. Life will never be the same again!

Travel to different destinations in the United States

Let's face it! It's not all about studying. In the United States, you can visit fascinating places such as snow-capped mountains, nature reserves, museums, recreational centers, concerts of your favorite artists and much more. All this is at your fingertips if you meet the requirements below.

Requirements to study in the United States

At this point, perhaps, you are wondering how to study in the United States as a foreigner, right? Here are the requirements that the immigration authorities in Latin America and Spain require to study in the United States:

Enrollment in an educational program: the first step to study in the United States is to apply and be accepted in a language course or higher education program. Do not forget that the enrollment must be full time.

Approved study center: the institution where you study must be approved by the immigration authorities. To check if a school in the U.S. is accredited, visit your country's Department of the Interior website.

Basic English proficiency: Having a good level of English or enrolling in courses to learn the language allows you to travel to study.

Study visa: make sure you get an American visa depending on the type of program you are doing. It can be F1, J1 or M1. In this article, we tell you more about the visa to study in the United States.

Sufficient financial resources: having enough money to support you during your student stay means that you will not have to struggle.

Permanent residence in your country: maintaining a residence outside the United States and having no intention of abandoning it gives the immigration authorities the confidence to approve your process.

Types of courses to study in the United States

The U.S. educational system offers a diverse set of options for foreign students. In fact, there is such a wide variety of institutions, programs and courses available that choosing the ideal option for you can be overwhelming.

Since we at GrowPro are here to help you, below, we explain the types of courses in the United States. This way, you can decide which type of program to enroll in.

State College or University

These institutions are funded and administered by a state or local government. In each of the 50 U.S. states, at least one state university and possibly several colleges operate.

Many of these public universities bear the name of the state or, to be more specific, the word state in their identification. For example, Washington State University.

Private college or private university

These schools are privately managed and not run by a government entity. Tuition is generally more expensive than at state institutions and programs usually last between 2 to 5 years.

U.S. private universities and colleges are often smaller than public institutions. However, their educational quality remains at the top.

Community college

Community colleges offer 2-year programs that award associate degrees (transferable) and certificates. There are numerous types of associate degrees, but the most important differentiating factor is whether or not they are transferable.

Community college graduates usually transfer to 4-year colleges or universities to complete their studies. Since they can transfer the credits they accumulate during their attendance, they can complete their bachelor's degree in an additional 2 or more years.

Institute of technology

An institute of technology is a school that offers at least 4 years of study in science and technology. Some have graduate programs while others offer short-term courses.

Language schools

There are schools that offer English as a Second Language (ESL) courses for foreigners of any age. Generally, there are 2 types of courses that can be taken:
  • Intensive English Program (IEP).
  • American Language and Culture Program (ALCP).
  • Most people take an IEP class, as it consists of 20 to 30 hours of classroom study per week. In addition, it can be taken at any level.
International Schools

These schools offer a more international level of education for foreigners. These types of institutions have different curricula than the U.S. system. Some of the most recognized international academies in the United States are French, German and British.

Steps to study in the United States

If you have come this far, it is because you want to realize your dream of living in the land of the bald eagle. For this reason, we share with you a step-by-step guide to study in the United States:

1. Choose a university or English school

Depending on what you want to study and the type of experience you want to have, choose the perfect university or school for you. Remember that they range from the most prestigious ones like Harvard, Columbia, Stanford or Princeton to those that offer a smaller community environment, but of excellent quality.

2. Know the selection process

Contact the admissions office of each university or school to find out about the admissions process. Keep in mind that U.S. colleges and universities regulate their own admission requirements. Therefore, ask what documents you need to send them and what exams or interviews you need to take.

3. Certify your English

In order to study at a U.S. university, you must have a good level of English. This ensures that you get the most out of your studies. To do this, take an English test to certify your English. As a general rule, the TOEFL is the most commonly required test for admission to a U.S. university.

4. Apply!

Once you have all your documents, you have been certified in English and you have requested an application form, it is time to apply! This is the first step in getting your student visa.

5. Get your American visa

The visas to study in the United States are summarized as follows:
  • Type F visa for primary and secondary education, and for university studies.
  • Type J-1 visa for different exchange programs such as internships, summer programs, au-pair and others sponsored by educational or non-profit institutions.
  • M visa for vocational or non-formal education institutions except for language programs.
Can I study and work in the United States at the same time?

The United States is a country full of opportunities that not only offers the possibility to study a program of study, but also to work while studying. However, keep in mind that it is NOT possible to work in the United States if you take an English course. And, with university programs, getting a work permit is not easy.

If, as a university student, you manage to get a permit, consider that you can only work on campus during the first academic year. Oh, and in simple jobs related to teaching, library management, administration, or grounds keeping.

However, there are cooperative education programs between universities and companies better known as Co-Op, which allow foreigners to study and work off-campus while receiving a salary according to the labor market.

If you have decided to study at an American university and want to work, you can do so with the OPT (Optional Practical Training) or CPT (Curricular Practical Training). These are internship permits that you can apply for when you complete at least 1 academic year at a U.S. university.

Save your study trip to the USA with GrowPro!

You already have all the information you need to study in the United States, the best thing is that you have the opportunity to prepare yourself in one of the best educated countries in the world.

At GrowPro we love to make your life easy, so we recommend you to take Au Pair programs in the USA. With these programs you can train as an education professional or work as an Au Pair and, later on, get the job of your dreams.

In addition, not only the educational level is good, some American cities have perfect beaches for surfing, unmissable attractions, a lively nightlife and a very rich and varied culture. To live this experience, you only have to fill out the form and our Student Advisors will give you more information.

When you have everything very clear, book and we will support you until the end to make your trip a success! So, are you ready to pack your bags and travel to the United States?
